This Version of Display Has a Fixed language: English This is a removable plug and play Display for all models of EVD Evolution Drivers, so it can be mounted and removed at any time (except during parameters loading/downloading and driver reset).
The semi-graphical LCD graphic display makes possible the configuration of the EVD driver in an extremely simple way. There will be only 4 parameters required to be configured:
- The installation application (e.g. Display cabinet, Cold room, Chiller etc.) - The refrigerant of the circuit - The type of Electronic Expansion Valve - Probes used in the installation
After the start-up configuration and the selection of the 4 basic parameters, the EVD Driver display will prompt the wiring diagram, with an indication of cable colours for both probes and Electronic Expansion Valve.
Enabled for different metric systems: with the configuration of one parameter, it is possible to display and manage SI metric system (bar, °C, kW) or even the imperial ones (psi, °F, Ton).
User Management - there are two different levels of configuration, one for installer (password 22) and one for manufacturer (password 66): the installer can reconfigure the starting parameters and other parameters with a multiple choice menu. The manufacturer can configure all the parameters that require numeric value and that are also less understandable from the starting parameter.
On Line Help: In the manufacturer level (password 66) it is possible to show, for each parameter, a wider description, that can help the user to understand specific functions.
Load and Download parameters: The EVD evolution display is able to reset the driver value parameters and allows also to load a complete set of parameters and download them into another driver. You can enable these functions pushing at the same time for 5 seconds “help/alarm” and “Enter” button.