ahu system


  1. Importance of Regular Dehumidifier Maintenance

    Importance of Regular Dehumidifier Maintenance

    Dehumidifiers are sometimes overlooked in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems in favour of their counterparts, the air humidifier and air purifier. However, the value of frequent dehumidifier maintenance cannot be emphasised. Maintaining a dehumidifier not only increases its lifespan but also assures the best interior air quality and comfort. This blog article will go over why dehumidifier maintenance is important, how it affects your HVAC system, and what measures you can do to maintain your dehumidifier in top shape.Understanding the

    Dehumidifier's Role

    The basic function of a dehumidifier is to remove excess moisture from the air, thus preventing mould formation, reducing dust mites, and improving overall indoor air quality. In essence, it works by sucking in humid air, chilling it to condense the moisture, and then releasing the drier air back into the atmosphere. This procedure is critical

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  2. 5 Helpful AHU Troubleshooting Tips You Should Know

    5 Helpful AHU Troubleshooting Tips You Should Know

    Before delving into the 5 helpful tips lets understand the basics of AHU starting with - What are AHU’S?

    Before diving into troubleshooting tips, we need to understand what an AHU is and how it works. An Air Handling Unit (AHU) is a crucial component in many buildings, particularly in commercial and industrial settings. It's a piece of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) equipment that plays a vital role in maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Here's a simplified overview of how they work: 

    • The AHU draws in outside air through the intake, which is then filtered to remove dust and particulate matter (PM). 
    • The filtered air is then heated or cooled using the coils, depending on the building's temperature requirements. 
    • The conditioned air is then blown through the ductwork, distributing it throughout the building. 
    • The AHU
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  3. How to Install a Danfoss Valve Actuator

    The IACS team have prepared a guide on how to install a Danfoss valve actuator, click to find out more. 

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  4. The function of a humidifier in the HVAC systems

    An overview of the humidification system and how it works

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  5. How AHU systems reduce energy costs and help building sustainability

    Why energy bills and prices are increasing and how HVAC systems mitigate the costs

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  6. The application of sensors in the HVAC and air handling systems

    The role of sensors in AHU systems.

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  7. How  the valve works in the AHU systems and HVAC

    An overview of the functions and usage of the water valves in an Air Handling Units

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